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(Физические основы, методы и технологии мониторинга окружающей среды, природных и антропогенных объектов)

Девятнадцатая международная конференция «СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ ДИСТАНЦИОННОГО ЗОНДИРОВАНИЯ ЗЕМЛИ ИЗ КОСМОСА (Физические основы, методы и технологии мониторинга окружающей среды, потенциально опасных явлений и объектов)»


Optical and microwave data from synergetic remote sensing system in monitoring of land covers

Petkov D. (1), Borisova D. (1), Dimitrov V. (1), Nikolov H. (1), Savorskiy V.P. (2), Ermakov D.M. (2,3)
(1) Space Research and Technology Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
(2) Институт радиотехники и электроники им. В.А. Котельникова РАН, Фрязинский филиал (ФИРЭ им. В.А. Котельникова РАН), Fryazino, Russia
(3) Институт космических исследований РАН, Moscow, Russia
Remote sensing systems have many applications for measuring different characteristics of natural environments in optical and radio wavelengths. Over the last years optical devices are extensively used in the researching in laboratory/terrain and have found applications in high significant fields such as environmental monitoring and food security. The spectral response of land cover is associated with target types, their properties and requires solving a number of multidimensional problems. A better interpretation and finer data modelling lead the necessity of using data from a variety of sources. The team has the idea to exploit integrated data obtained by optical multichannel and microwave devices. This approach allows acquiring data from synergetic remote sensing system. For this purpose measuring systems were designed: a portable lab/field VNIR spectrometer integrated with laboratory NIR spectrometer (400-2500) nm and a passive microwave radiometer (between 0.8 cm, and 21 cm). The concept of synergetic use of multispectral and microwave data for creation and validation of new models for environmental monitoring is presented in following steps: -Defined the territory for monitoring; - Precise in-situ and laboratory data; - Prelimanary data processing such as sensors’ calibration errors, data fusion; - Multifeatures object creation in geoinformational databases with access control based on web technologies; - Soil properties, vegetation state modelling, landslides prediction; - Decision support. The joint use of the available remote sensing devices based in Space Research and Technology Institute at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences /SRTI-BAS/, Kotel’nilov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics at Russian Academy of Sciences, Fryazino department /FIRE-RAS/ and Space Research Institute at Russian Academy of Sciences /SRI-RAS/ create opportunities especially in follows applications: specification of technical tasks for development of unique equipment; development of technologies in complex analysis and interpretation of satellite data in remote sensing of marine coastal waters and land cover; to diagnose the condition by determining the environmental impact of anthropogenic activities and the change of climatic factors over time.This research is resulting by long-term bilateral cooperation between SRTI-BAS and SRI,FIRE-RAS. The work is partly supported by Bulgarian National Science Fund under Contract number KP-06-M27/2 (КП-06-М27/2).

Ключевые слова: optical devices, microwave radiometers, synergetic remote sensing system, environmental engineering application, remote sensing data, monitoring of land covers

Презентация доклада

Методы и алгоритмы обработки спутниковых данных